Charlie Hibbert: Meet one of the Cotswold’s favourite chefs

“I hope the old ways of shouting and pan throwing have been left behind”. Cotswold Style recently met with Charlie Hibbert, the head chef of The Ox Barn at Thyme, a restaurant built on passion for the local land, food and entertaining. The Ox Barn can be found on the Thyme estate, a boutique hotel nestled deep in The Cotswolds’ countryside. We spoke with Charlie about the history of Thyme and the Ox Barn, his passion for food and how the hospitality industry has changed over the years.


31 January 2024

How did The Ox Barn start?

“Caryn started Thyme and as it has grown through the years it became necessary to have a second eatery. I came in to try and help build, advise and then run it. It was the beginning of the Hibbert children involving themselves in Thyme and was a wonderful experience putting it all together.”

What are the pros and cons of working out in the sticks compared to working in the city?

“The hospitality industry has always had a wonderful community. In the cities you are surrounded restaurants and those who work within them, which is wonderful, in the country you have ingredients and inspiration at your doorstep, and with plenty of towns and cities, such as London and Bristol not far away, you can involve yourself in those tight nit communities without too much hassle.”

How much of the produce is from the Thyme estate?

In the summer almost all of it. We have an amazing garden team, who are producing ingredients most chefs only dream of working with. We also forage small bits and we have our own lamb from the estate to boot.”

Why do you think people love Thyme and The Ox Barn?

I think we create a relaxing and welcoming place to come and stay. A hope away from home with plenty to do, plenty to eat, plenty to drink, and sofas, spas and beds to sink into when done.”

The Ox Barn at Thyme

How much of the produce is from the Thyme estate?

In the summer almost all of it. We have an amazing garden team, who are producing ingredients most chefs only dream of working with. We also forage small bits and we have our own lamb from the estate to boot.”

Do the meals at The Ox Barn remind you of Thyme?

“We use as much as possible for the garden so the two are very much linked.”

Has employment been a struggle in such a rural area?

“It can be, people are dispersed wider and have to travel further, and the industry has been in recovery after a few hard years. However if you make a desirable and happy environment for people to come into, which I hope we have managed, it goes a longways to sorting any looming struggles.”

How has the hospitality industry changed over the years?

The industry has become a much more welcoming place. I hope the old ways of shouting and pan throwing have been left behind, making for a much more welcoming, enjoyable and sustainable environment for aspiring young cooks.”

How would you describe the Ox Barn in three words?

“Fresh, welcoming, Fun”

How would you describe Thyme in three words?

“Family, tranquil, peaceful”

Thyme at Southrop Manor

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